Players: 2-4
Complexity: 1/10
Duration: 15-30 min.
Age: 3+
Candy Land is still a great beginner game for fun, color recognition, and counting. The current edition takes you through the Peppermint Forest, past Nana Nutt's House and the Licorice Lagoon, alongside the Lollipop Palace and the Frosted Palace, and you win when you reach the King Kandy's Castle.
Still played with gingerbread moving pieces, choose one of four colors (red, blue, green, yellow), draw one of the 44 cards from the pile, and move your gingerbread man on the rainbow path to the matching color or piece of candy. If you land on a licorice square, lose a turn. Use any color card to arrive at King Kandy's Castle - you win!!
Candy Land - How to Play
1 Game board
1 Rulebook
4 Gingerbread player tokens
44 Cards